
Contest for a $25 Starbucks Card! Davis GMC Buick

We want you to answer this riddle for your chance to win a $25 Starbucks gift card. Submit your answer on our Facebook wall. Also – write me at [email protected] (subject) “I did it!” So that I can reply letting you know if you got the answer correct!  First person to do both actions WINS!

Answer this riddle:

A man who can not speak walks into a hardware store looking for a hammer. He walks to an employee and motions as if he were hammering a nail followed by shrugging his shoulders.  Another man who is blind walks into the hardware store looking for a saw. Without touching the saw how does he explain to the cashier he wants to purchase a saw?

Dont forget to post your answer on our Facebook wall and email me [email protected] subject, “I did it!” so that I can reply letting you know if you wont the Starbucks gift card.

Thanks for participating!

Davis GMC Buick
115 Wt Hill Blvd S
1 866 626-0577
403 329-4444

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